Sunday, September 19, 2010

Who Are You?

It's 4:44 on a Sunday morning and I've been thinking about this for a few days, so I better write it down. Since this blog is like a journal, except public, I've got to get it out of my mind.

Who are you?

How are you described??

Supposed you are about to give a talk or a formal speech to a group of people who don't know who you are. The master of ceremonies or whoever organized the event or meeting or banquet stands up to introduce you to this crowd of strangers.

Certain characteristics will be automatically understood by your appearance. Height, weight, color of hair, glasses, clothing all arranged to present an impression.

Usually an introduction description begins like a resume. Hometown, martial status, children, employment title and years of experience are all simple profile qualifications that can be easily found on Facebook or in most public records.

If the speech is about an informative nature, education or awards achieved over a period of time may be emphasized.

(* Side note: Do you ever see sports awards in a neighbor's house and wonder? It is easy to buy a trophy and have it etched with a message. Get an old football and a sharpie and scribble a bunch of names on it. PhotoShop a team and buy a jersey, drag it around in the dirt, leave it out a few nights, then place it in a frame. Is he REALLY a football star? The same goes with degrees. Would you like to be a lawyer? doctor? CEO?? It doesn't take much to print those now a days. Think about it the next time you see a wall covered in accolades)

If the talk is to a community event, the boards and foundations associations and clubs you list as being members to or your philanthropic efforts may be on the top of the agenda.

Usually a small bit of personal information connecting you to these people in a light-hearted manner to break the ice, is helpful, though maybe not relevant.

And like an obituary, is this who you are? A list of facts and figures to sum up your place in time?

And of those few, who are closest to you, how would they describe you?

Your touch, your scent, your taste, the way you breath, what makes you cry are all very personal descriptions that only one or a few will ever know.

And even these are descriptions by others from the presentation of your most inner being.

And only you know who you REALLY are.

Ok, enough of that. I got that off my chest. It's 5:20 and I want to get some more shut eye before the sun comes up.

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