Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Power Grid


What happens when the power goes out?

Don’t be afraid of the commies and their darkening the sky with A-bombs or swarms of killer bees invading from the south or clouds of noxious gases to bring a country to a halt.

Cut off the power grid and watch what happens.

Everything we do and rely on today requires power. Communication, transportation, manufacturing, entertainment, and even the government would come to a screeching halt without power.

Sure there are back-ups and redundancies and fail-safe arrangements, but…. What if?

On a global scale no one could comfort the masses with messages of “Stay calm, everything is under control” or where to evacuate or even instructions to follow to keep everyone busy.

Clocks and watches will run for some time under battery power but like remotes and cell phones they would help with the large appliances. Even battery radios won’t work because the transmissions will not be there.

After a short period of time, people will crawl out of their houses and climb into their cars to explore for relief only to find they will run out of gas and there is no new supplies without working pumps.

Without communication, fuel and finally food there will be pandemonium in the streets changing society, as we know it.

I don’t promote this anarchy but with all the apps and hackers and mischievous propeller-heads, someone will come up with a way to pull the plug and we will all learn what it means to live alone.

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