Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wasted Time


Time is what we use to measure our day. We buy watches and clocks to keep track of our time. We set alarms to warn us when time is up. 

We never have enough time even though we try to make time, but you can’t “make” time because the time is already there. 

Take a log and measure where you spend your time. 

A bunch of it goes to sleeping, even though you don’t think you get enough. 

Another big bunch goes to working. You spend time preparing for work with bathing, dressing, and commuting to the workplace without even starting the eight hour workday. 

Side note: Even though you may spend a good amount of your time during the day at an employers location performing your assigned task, studies show even the best-of-the-best workers only dedicate 70% of their time to “work”. Smart employers know that and adjust their expectations accordingly. These figures may have changed with computers on everyone’s desk and phone. 

Eating takes time. Meals take shopping travel time, preparation time, clean up time and of course the stuffing of the mouth. (We try to either avoid the taste of the food or multi-task by watching the television during the meal.)

Now add all that time and see what is left. 

This is the wasted time. 

It could be called “your time” or “private time” or “family time” or “free time” but this is the time you get to choose how to spend. 

Time seems fleeting and some will regret how much time was missed with overindulgence in silly movies, overdone excesses, and non-creative lapses of the mind. 

The next time you have vacation time, which should be 24-hours of “you choose” time, take off your watch, turn off the electronics, walk outside (unless it is raining), find a comfortable spot and sit down. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and listen. Sit quietly and enjoy in all the activity that is going on around you. Don’t rush through it but enjoy your time alone with the world. 

…until next time.

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