Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What is with the Weather?

Yesterday my little village had a big blow come through and the power outages or downed trees are all the conversation of the day.

It affects us everyday. When we rise we make decisions upon how the weather is going to be. We dress according to the weather. We plan trips and vacations due to the seasons and the weather.

Weather even has a good and bad side.

Being outside for the last three years I’ve had a chance to really understand the weather, at least in my little plot of the world. I don’t study the charts and graphs or watch the every movement of the jet wave that washes over us from the west, but I do see patterns.

It seems in my little burg if it is going to rain, it will wait until 4:00 PM.  If it is raining in the morning as leftovers from the previous night’s rain, it will end by noon. The same is true for snow. It will start the night before then end in the morning. I cannot think of a single day in the past three years that I could not ride due to the weather. There have been one or two really cold and icy days but not many have stopped me.

When the rain comes it seems to follow the river or go north. Most of the bad weather seems to happen south or east of the city. I’m sure there is a reason but that is the pattern. I’m sure when the weather weakens coming over the mountains and that is another saving grace. The rare hurricane coming from the east has to travel a good amount of time become getting here which also slows it down.

I guess like the Indians I observe my surroundings. I watch the clouds to see if they are building or have gray bottoms that means rain. I see which way the wind is blowing by the tops of the trees and the cloud patterns in the sky. I’ve learned to feel the pressure shift in the air and can smell the rain coming. I’ve ridden in rainstorms and snow. I’ve pushed on through the heat and cold adjusting for each. 

And I listen to the critters. Animals can sense weather changes and if you pay attention they will tell you long before it comes.

Yesterday while watching the moving red box coming my way on the television I stepped outside and the yard was quiet. No birds, no chipmunks, no squirrels. They already knew a storm was coming and had retired to their homes. Side note: there are lots of tall strong trees in Puppywoods to provide shelter but I have also made areas around the yard where the critters and go for additional safety.

So since I like storms, I stood on the porch and listened to the thunder while watching the trees dance. There is a special feeling of the splash of rain in your face. The generator in the alley popped and the lights flickered but the woods came through fine.

So whether you are buying ice today or playing pick up sticks, weather will continue to break the monotony of the day.

1 comment:

Art said...

NICE! Well written.