Saturday, June 30, 2012

Rambling On

Got a phone call this morning from Mother Earth. She was calling checking up on people who do not have air conditioning in triple digit weather.

Then I realized what I was saying.

She just asked me if I was all right and I started talking. “The electricity is on. I only had a flicker but everything is fine. I’ve got a ceiling fan in the bedroom. I was looking online seeing all the trees down. My trees seem planted so close together that they just hold each other up in the wind. The last hurricane….”

Then suddenly I stated to hear myself.

I was rambling on.

I think that our species most have a mouth to communicate. We can’t just take in air and food but must blow out the words that fill our head. All those experiences and recollections that happened seem to need to be shared.

The others might not want to listen to such trivialities, but we must spout them. We tell things to complete strangers and comment on things we do not know, only to hear our own voice.

Maybe this is insulation of isolation but when we are in association with another, we must tell these strange stories of our lives. Friends, true friends will listen and add the statements to the compilation of stories to build a structure of how they view you in their mind’s eye.

But I’m just rambling on.

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