Saturday, January 12, 2019

…At The Time…

History is nothing but a timeline.
Instead of saying “My ex….” The term “…at the time” is used.
Less demeaning statement or just a reference of time?
Of course if there are several ‘ex’s’ it may be a struggle to keep the numbers straight.
If all people and events are referenced in this method, perhaps a calendar or whiteboard should be brought along to show their place in time.
The 60’s are commonly referred in reference of longhaired hippies and Vietnam War and free love, but you might have a different remembrance of that decade.
Maybe you didn’t take drugs or grow you hair long in the 60’s? Maybe you were a solider trying to survive? Maybe that free love gave a baby to a single mom? Maybe you were the Silent Majority or Evangelical or an addict or domestic abuser or pedophile?

The times they were a’changin’

…at the time it will be the latest weather and news report, brought to you by….

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