Sunday, January 13, 2019

Gender Bender

There was a time of blue blankets or pink blankets clarified whom you were. It was the second line on your birth certificate under your name. Other than skin color, it was your tattoo for life.
After the doctor spanked you on the butt, check for the plumbing. Are you an inney or an outey?
From then on you liked dolls, wore dresses, had long hair or played baseball, wore pants, climbed trees, went fishing, and would come home with a black eye.
It was the way it was suppose to be. It was the way it always was.
There were Boy Scouts and Boys Clubs while the ‘other’ gender had tea parties and learned to cook, sew, and wear uncomfortable shoes. Life was planned out by the color of your blanket.
Then the ladies wanted to wear pants and play basketball and vote and get equal pay (still working on that one) so Gender Equal Rights became a movement.
The boys and girls came out of the closet and started celebrating in the streets with every variation and the conservative Christians withdrew confused to what call their son or daughter.
What was a sin was now become the norm, like Negros drinking from the same water fountain or becoming president.
New generations appear and seem to accept what was forbidden only a few years earlier, but still can’t settle on who won the war over 100 years ago. There’s an app for that.
I’ve lived long enough to watch most of this happen. Not being anchored to the gospel, I accept whoever (or whatever) a person wants to be don’t matter to me. I even know some Jews and Muslins.
Whatever happens in the bedroom is your business and no matter what, someone will be hurt. Hearts will be broken, domestic abuse and unintended pregnancies will happen no matter the title.
Lesbians get drunk, Queers get rolled, Transgenders get raped and Bi-sexuals get shot just the same as everyone else. Diversity has no limits.
I’m too old to deal with this drama so I will allow history to play out what to kindly call the Soft Machine.
If we decide to ‘date’ excuse me while I check what’s under the hood. Just want to know what I’m dealing with.

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