Saturday, March 30, 2019


Sorry but my phone is still stupid.
I am much of an addict to news and current events as anyone but I can wait to get out of the bathroom before refreshing my screen.
Back in the day, we had to wait for the news of the day be delivered to our front porch and the commentary was made at the dinner table.
Today with all our microwave mentality we rush to comment on what people are eating or the latest snapshot of their baby or dog.
We all are new junkies and today information is available 24/7 (some true and some not) but we cannot resist looking at.
Tomorrow the flow will tell you who said what about which and without knowing any unformulated background on the writer followed by a cession of nonsense of which make-believe celebrity will wear on the red carpet or which network is promoting the latest visual obsession.
Turn to page 6 for the latest detergent prices.

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