Saturday, March 30, 2019

Body Count

Notice whenever there is an accident or tragedy or natural catastrophe, the first report is the body count?
How many died or were injured?
The local follow up reports gave the names then can report on the obituary arrangements and interviews with the families.
What about those we did not know? They may have been from another state or country and a simple name won’t matter anymore than a passing gravestone.
Then what happens?
Does anyone report on the damage to the car or bus or airplane or house? Does anyone interview those who must pick up the pieces? Does anyone note the statics of people who live by removing, destroying or restoring the mangled metal? Does anyone express the number of days in hospital or rehab those who survived must endure? Does anyone calculate the lost jobs, education, transportation or wages that families face?
Wars are numbers of bodies. Holidays glorify gravestones of massive unnecessary carnage but we continue.
Count the dead and make the 5 o’clock news.

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