Friday, July 5, 2019


“Hello Mister Johnson, I’m here to take your daughter out.”
Only been on one side of this situation but both parties know what I’m there for.
Heard an interesting discussion on (whisper… s – e – x) with the current accusations of inappropriate behavior with the #MeToo movement and I wondered.
All that fooling around in the backseat or heavy petting is merely a wrestling struggle of persuasion from religious teachings and parental rules.
Consent is the law of how far each other go until it goes ‘all the way’.
Insertion of one body into another has lots of terms and names and slang, but in the long run it is ‘penetration’.
Invasion of another person’s orifice to bring pleasure or pain is the result.
If the outcome is zygote and planned or unplanned procreation of the species is the result, both participants are different from the physical participation.
“Come in and meet her mother. She will be down in a moment.”

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