Wednesday, July 17, 2019

People I’ve been with

It is an interesting phrase.
Who have you “been with”?
Once a sign of accomplishments like marks on the bedpost.
Maybe a one-night hook-up or an extended affair, if you ‘slept’ with that person, you have ‘been with’ them.
Running a tally sheet of people you have ‘been with’ does give a sign of emotional connection and promiscuous behavior.
In youth it is a sign of sexual prowess, until you come across an ex-lover in an awkward moment.
The most intimate time two people can have together becomes note in a diary or a forgotten name.
Years later the thought might bring a smile or a curse.
At that moment, whether a wanted willing encounters or an expected ritual request, it happened and there are no take backs.
Results can become a meaningful relationship that last for years or a rom/com movie script.
So if I look across the room with an unknown but familiar glance of recognition, I may not remember your name but I’ve ‘been with’ you.

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