Friday, July 5, 2019

Whatcha Talking About?

Once we pass beyond “Goo Goo Gah Gah” we are taught words to describe items we point at.
Our family attempts to teach us basic communication and once we start talking we never shut up.
At first our limited appreciation is to bubbles and butterflies and shadows and sunshine.
Schools try to hone our speaking skills with proper English structure.
Boys and Girls have separate interest and different conversations.
Boys will talk about sports or cars or war while Girls talk about dolls and cooking and ponies.
Then puberty hits and boys start talking about girls and girls start talking about boys. It is called flirting.
In university, the talk moves to philosophy and theories and art appreciation as we try to define ourselves.
As we move into employment and a new diversity of conversations and backgrounds, our talk changes to complaining. Pay, working conditions, promotions were the constant chatter at the water cooler.
When children arrived, all focus turned to the rug rats and that was all anyone talked about.
As the children grew, the conversation changed to processions and gadgets.
There was still plenty to complain about with taxes, car repairs, software upgrades, uninterested marriage, neighbors, etc.
As the parent’s parents faded away, they passed down the conversation of pain and misery.
As the talk turned to pills and procedures we became juniors doctors with our own diagnosis fueled by Google.
The conversationalists become fewer and the rocking chair is welcoming, we get back to talking about bubbles, butterflies, shadows and sunlight.
Maybe we should have never left?

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