Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Will You Get Into Heaven?

Listening to the Congressional inquiry (or inquisition) one wonders how much do you really remember?
Without your notes and transcripts how can you answer Saint Peter’s questions?
What was your thinking during the moon landing of a human-made object to touch the Moon was the Soviet Union's Luna 2, on 13 September 1959? What was your reaction to the 35th president assassination on November 22, 1963, at 12:30 p.m. Central Standard Time in Dallas, Texas, while riding in a presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza? Where were you went your father died? What final grade did you receive on the senior high school English class? How much did you pay for your first car and who was the dealership? On what day did you get baptized? How did you get out of jail? What was your SAT score?
I can barely remember what I had for lunch yesterday, much less the meeting held on Tuesday, 25, 1985 or who was in attendance. Without a group photo there is no proof of what I was wearing. How have my opinions and thoughts changed from experiences from then to now? I may have been barefoot?
I’ve kept copious notes and detailed records through the years to book note my opinions and verify questionable activities. At some point in time, they all went into the shredder because I no longer needed the evidence of my guilt or innocence.
I feel for these ‘witnesses’ being questioned before the nation and then having their testimony analysis by the media and talking heads. How many buttons was on your yellow blouse you wore to the 2003 meeting on the agenda no one remembers? Did you wear a red tie or a blue tie when you received the phone call from a former official who may have referred to a vague bit of information? Did you pay cash for that cocktail or put it on your business credit card? When did you reimburse the payment for that cocktail?
If history makes the foggy details vague and we have trouble refreshing who, what, when, where and how events happened; will Saint Peter let us in?
These grilling sideshows (even if the job description requires detail recollections of every moment in time) would be close to impossible for most of us normal’s.
I might as well push the down button.

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