Monday, December 7, 2020

End of the Year


And what a year it has been.

So what made this year special for you?

What was your favorite book?

What were the books you wished you never opened?

Did you actually purchase a bound paper book or just download an ebook?

What was the favorite movie you streamed?

What movies did you sit through and wondered why you wasted your time watching it and they wasted their time making it?

What song caught your ear this year?

Did you purchase a CD or download?

Did you just listen to digital radio?

Where did you get your news?

Newspaper? Television? Magazine? Online?

What social media sites do you frequent?

Did you browse or participate?

What was the best meal of the year?

What was the worst experiment in cooking that you had?

What was the best game that you watched?

What was the best game that you played?

Where did you go on vacation?

What little trinkets or t-shirts or memorabilia did you purchase?


If you worked in any of these industries, how did you make a living?


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