Saturday, February 27, 2021

Best of…


Everyday there is a list of what we should hear, read, watch, eat or participate in some way. Have you ever thought who came up with this list that selects certain items out of all the possibilities and declare them “The Best”?

What are ‘The Best’ TV shows? What are ‘The Best’ books? What are ‘The Best’ movies? Who are ‘The Best’ actors? What are ‘The Best’ songs? Who are ‘The Best’ writers? Who are ‘The Best’ artists? What are ‘The Best’ artworks? What are ‘The Best’ buildings? Who are ‘The Best’ architects? Who are ‘The Best’ speakers? What are ‘The Best’ speakers? What are ‘The Best’ teams? Who are ‘The Best’ players? What are ‘The Best’ restaurants? Who are ‘The Best’ chefs?

The question is ‘Who defines ‘the Best’’?

The critic, reviewer, promoter… who defines this is ‘The Best’ of all selections? Are these selections current or historical or both? Do all the other critics, reviewers, promoters, writers, editors, announcers…. Agree this is ‘The Best’?

You do understand this category of ‘The Best’ is about sales.

Read any magazine. There is an interesting article written by a name that seems to understand the subject, then you turn the page and there is an advertisement for the same product. Your newspaper is the same. Your television programs are the same. Even the movies are sponsors for products.

Your ‘The Best’ movie won’t match my ‘The Best’ movie. I may never have seen your ‘The Best’ movie or not even be interested in seeing it.

And time moves on and taste change and you ‘The Best’ movie has now become my ‘The Best’ movie, but you have also changed to whatever cultural genre is popular at the time.

Get personal with your selections. What was (is) your ‘The Best’ coat? What was your ‘The Best’ car? What was your ‘The Best’ job? Who was ‘The Best’ girlfriend?

When you marry and vow your love and eternal dedication to this other person only to find you are ‘The second Best’… Maybe the third?

Remember that when you read ‘The Best’ place to vacation or ‘The Best’ retirement village or ‘The Best’ investment or ‘The Best’ pill, be cautious.

What if this is not ‘The Best’ but just good enough?

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