Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Pope Jane


I get it. This is the 21st century. It is time for a new world order. It is time for a change.

Change is tough. Change is different. Change falls out of your pocket when it has a hole in it.

Get rid of things that have been ignored for years. Open up the closet and see what’s inside. Ask the questions that have been long silent.

Why do we have deity statues of generals who lost a war over a century ago? Why do we have dead presidents on our dollar bills? Why do we have dollar bills? Why do we elect people who do not represent our values, needs or ideas and then reelect them? Why aren’t congress members paid by the hour at minimum wage?

Why do we count the number of hours we work? Why do we sit through meetings that have no agenda and are just a waste of time? Why can’t we go home when we are finished with our assignment? Why aren’t we paid in accordance to our productivity? Why do we have a Caste system called employment? Why do we have Benefits instead of essentials? Do we get maternity leave if we don’t have children? Why do we stop working for holidays? If we have group health care that we still have to pay premiums, deductibles and employee enticement, why are we not covered? Why aren’t Raises calculated like test in school? Why does a Title entitle you to more pay? Is a Title just part of the Caste system like the army? Why do CEOs make so much more than the people who make the company run?

Why do women wear High heels? Why do women wear skirts and men wear pants? What is lipstick for? Why do women have two-piece bathing suits? For that matter, why can’t women go topless like guys do? Why do mammalian protuberances scare us so much? Why can’t we control our lust at the site of boobs? Would it end all the tabloids peek-a-boo mentality? Why are their strippers? When do the tattoos wear off? Will sunburn make me black? Why can’t we see our back?

Why do we have soldiers all over the world? Who are we protecting from what enemy? How will a soldier in the foxhole next to you who was a single mom of two a year ago stop a nuclear missile? If everyone runs out of bullets, do we all get to go home? If all soldiers wore dresses would we still fight? Should the generals be large angry black women with a rolling pin because you don’t want to mess with them? Why don’t we run races instead of shooting bullets? What do you do with a tank when the war is over? Who would be the enemy if all the armies wore the same costume?

Why do we hoard all our emails? How much energy does it take to store all our kids playing in the snow photos? How much heat is generated by millions of people streaming viral videos? Why are we concerned by privacy when we publish our position, profile and photo? What would we do if the electricity went out forever? Do we care about our home planet or not? What is the difference between trashes and recycle? Why don’t we live on the moon? Is there better reception up there? Have we saved the whales yet?

Why do we diet and eat French fries? Why do we have scales? Why eat roughage when we only want fried, sweet and salt saturated foods? Why do we worry about the ozone when everyone has a butane grill and gas powered lawnmower? Why do we pretend to become members of a gym when all we want to do is wear stretchable clothing? Why count calories in alcohol? Why have kitchens when food can be delivered? Why pour milk on cereal and think it is healthy when you can get it out of the box? When did obese become fit? Why do we protest climate change when we have a car parked outside?

Why should we be polite when we only converse over digital media? What should we care about our comments and post if they can just be deleted? What is offensive? When does vandalism become art? Why should we use deodorant when no one can smell?

Why do we take test? What is a diploma for? Does memorizing a Shakespearian soliloquy or an Edgar Allen Poe sonnet make you smart? Will reading Chaucer, Ulysses, War and Peace or the Iliad and the Odyssey help you put the lawnmower together? Is Beethoven just a sample on the latest stream? Why is there special education when we are all here to help? Why doesn’t history include all the history? Why are textbooks obsolete as soon as they are read? What is a textbook? Why doesn’t the teacher/instructor know everything? Who is on the school board? Do we have to go to a school to become educated? Does your grade average indicate how smart you are?

Why does it cost so much to have four walls and a roof (and maybe a closet and bathroom)? If I don’t have enough money to afford to live here, how can I find shelter? When does a house become a home? When does a house become a commodity? Why do you have so many empty rooms in your house? Who does a lock on the door keep out?

Who is the daddy? Why don’t we like each other when we have the same last name? When do we stop having babies? Why do relatives come by for holidays when we don’t communicate the rest of the year? Who will divide up your stuff when you are gone? What was your grandfather’s favorite book? What is your child’s favorite book? When do your children become smarter than the parents?

Why does love hurt? Is it ‘love’ or ‘lust’? Can we love more than one at a time? What are the levels of love? When love is lost, does it really break your heart? Why are there so many songs about love and not refrigerators? Why does love have an age limit?

Why don’t we recycle graveyards? Why do we dig up tombs? Why can’t we accept death as the period to living? How long does it take to forget the dead? What is passing? If the dead are looking down on us from heaven, when we look up why can’t we see them? If the death penalty abolished, what do we do with war? If you commit suicide, do you get a ghost?

Why are taxes mandatory instead of voluntary? Why do pay fees when there are already taxes? If you buy your property, why do you need to pay a tax on the dirt? Do you pay for school tax when you don’t have children? If you pay a tax when you buy stuff, why is there a wealth tax when you die? Is insurance just another tax? If there is a health tax and a death tax, why isn’t there a love tax? Is there a sex tax? Can you choose the tax you want to pay?

Why isn’t there a female pope? Why doesn’t God pay taxes? Was Jesus gay? Why are all the religious icons male? Is there a black heaven? Are LGBTQ souls allowed into heaven? Who caters heaven? Why isn’t there a black God or is there? Why do we kneel to pray? What does it take to get a halo? Are their black wings? Can we play trombones instead of harps? When is the second coming?

These and many more questions must be asked and defined to proceed into the future. There is no turning back.

No sacred cows.

Question the rules.

Break down the walls.


I get it.

 I’m too old to change my wheys and curds, but I’m excited to see what happens tomorrow. There are no reruns on this channel.


Go for it!

Full speed ahead!

Let’s go! Just do it!


Shake it up baby!!!

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