Monday, July 2, 2012

In Heat


Now that summer is here for real, not that wimpy hot for a few minutes and then the cool breeze brakes the anticipation of sweat, but day after day of over 90 degree temperatures. We are soaking in the sun and it’s majesty that we fuss about at this time of year but would really miss the warmth.

Now that mid summer has hit, we start to change our schedules. Everyone rides around with his or her windows rolled up but I sure it is hot in there. Do they care? No! Because in a few days they will all go to some festive celebration and consume too much alcohol and be overcome by explosions.

Now as the trees have fallen and electricity has vanished we panic and scramble whoever has ice available to provide relief to the overwhelming food that is rotting in our freezers. And we complain about the heat.

What was it like before there was air conditioning?

Being one who experienced the southern heat and humidity I understand the need to sweat. It is the body’s reaction to more heat than it can handle so it pours water through our skin to cool us off.

Sitting through too many summer school classes with only open windows and maybe a box fan while the teacher in his soaked shirt tried to keep our interest  I gained appreciation on the southern folk who would rock on the front porch with a cool glass of lemonade waiting for the next breeze.

I’ve been lucky so far this year to maintain power for a few fans and the local provider keeps the bullets cool.

But there was a time, when being in heat meant an entirely different meaning. When the mind wanders into places unknown and carries the body with it, sometimes to faithful conclusions.
So sit back and relax. It is summer and it will be hot and in a couple of months you will be complaining about the cold.

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