Saturday, October 5, 2019


Etiquette was drilled into my formal training. Which fork to use and when to talk at the table was all part of growing up? How to tie a bow tie and when to wear a cummerbund or not were lessons just like cursive writing thank you letters. The proper way to hold a wine glass and how to enjoy the aroma before enjoying the grape all had techniques like holding a fencing foil or a tennis racket. How to bow and give a lady your arm to escort her at the cotillion was engrained like Marine boot camp drills.
Though we were not First Family of Virginia (FFV) our family had contact with them. We rubbed elbows with the rich kids who wore the latest style while the second-class knockoffs were the most affordable. Still sophistication shames those who have not reach their level of the finest private schools, European cars, maids and gigantic houses.
Sophistication takes a lot of effort. It is a lot of work to put on fake persona all the time.
It does teach you some of the finer things in life that you may not be able to afford all the time but once in awhile can indulge in luxury.

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