Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Take my drugs Tummy Temple

For the past decade I’ve been storing vales of drugs trying to find a place to dispose of them. These were leftover prescriptions that my wife used.
I’d read some of these recovery sessions before but they were unattainable. So they sat in a bag with her keys and ID waiting to be disposed of.
The pharmacy would not take them back. I tried the local hospital but they were confused about where a blue box was.
I had no desire to try them since I can’t swallow pills. Even tiny tablets have to be chewed up to enter my body. Capsules had to be taken apart and the powder inside placed on my tongue. It was not very tasty.
Through the years I’d either get a shot or some sort of dissolving liquid.
My medicine cabinet has chewable stomach relaxers for those overdone meals and tabloids that fizz for the one-too-many. Even the aspirin has dust on the lid.
It may be a good thing I can’t swallow pills avoiding the opioid crisis. Also staying away from the easily available concoctions either legally prescribed or street purchased may sustain life.
So “Thank You” Tummy Temple for providing another check-off list.

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