Wednesday, October 2, 2019


“Open to disclosing one’s inner thoughts and feelings, acting in spite of one’s instinct to self-preservation.”
We all are vulnerable at one time or another. Life is out of our control most of the time and we just adapt to situations and the weather.
When you are a kid you are the most vulnerable because you have no experience of reference and depend on elders to show you the way. When you go to the doctor or dentist you are vulnerable that another person will make you feel better with a potion or a shot. When you swallow a pill you are vulnerable to not knowing how your body will react to the chemistry. When you sit down in a classroom you are vulnerable to an authoritarian figure that spouts intelligence and then test you to see if you were listening and comprehending. When you go clubbing you are vulnerable to the atmosphere and all the strangers in the room. When you attain employment you are vulnerable to where to sit and where the bathroom is. When you commute you are vulnerable to the trucker who has been driving too long with out sleep or the road rage from the earlier domestic violence or the distracted phone text. When you go shopping, even in a familiar brick and mortar, you are vulnerable to the constantly changing cast of characters.
Hide under a rock but some of our vulnerability is enlightens and awe inspiring.
If you pick up a puppy or a baby, you are vulnerable. If you go to a funeral, you are vulnerable. If the IRS audits, you are vulnerable.
When you fall in love, you are the most vulnerable. There is ‘puppy love’ or a crush but it goes away like the measles, but when you fall in love you lose all rational thinking.
Love is a wonderful drug and if you have the maturity to realize what is happening, it is an experience to be cherished.

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