Monday, April 20, 2020


Why do we apologize for crying? We don’t apologize for laughing.
There are certain occasions when crying is accepted. Funerals. Disasters. Weddings.
If we cry in front of another we mop our tears and apologize for the display of human emotion.
Somehow we laugh at everything. We laugh to get accepted by others over a joke we don’t get. We laugh when we get drunk until we puke and then we cry. We laugh at each other until one starts to cry.
We never feel laughing as a cover for a bad statement or rude comment will refrain our intent. We laugh to cover our sins.
Both emotions are uncontrollable. A simple plat fall or goofy statement can break us up into a rolling jellyroll belly guffaw. A beer commercial with big horses and puppies can bring a fountain flow every time.
While laughter is contagious and people join in with hilarious reactions, crying is a private emotion. It is difficult to share the emotion that creates crying.
The question is why do we say, “Sorry” when wiping away the tears.
Some people wear yellow hair without asking approval of others. Some people drive fast or drink too much without remorse. When someone falls, some will laugh and some will cry.
Accept we all have emotions and others must accept it as a part of who we are.

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