Sunday, April 12, 2020

Week #4 – Just Another Day

So here we are again. Someone wrote something about resurrection and someone else wrote something about colored eggs, but it is still just another day to scratch off on the calendar.
You are under house arrest and there is no parole in sight.
No one expected this but it has happened before. Do we blame the bats for they are the only mammals that drink our blood? They also eat all those bugs that bug us in the summer.
In my lifetime (that I can remember) there have been other pandemics. 

When I was just a tike, there was the image of polio that scared the bijous out of me. Oral Roberts would talk to these kids in metal tubes and pray for them, but they didn’t get up and walk away.
My parents never talked about disease or plagues or anything medical. If an aspirin or Pepto-Bismol or Ex-lax couldn’t handle it, we’d call Ole Doc Page who made house calls and would recommend more fluids and wet clothes and if that didn’t get better bring the little one down to his office so his nurse could give a shot of Penicillin.
After realizing that routine, I tried to avoid getting ill. I couldn’t avoid the tonsils or the appendix but stayed away from the sick kids.
At the time, when the nation was under attack by some disease, the government doctors declared all children get vaccines at school. It was the 50’s and we just stood in line and did what we were told.
For polio they gave us sugar cubes. Take that where you want to.
We also hid under our fabricated desk to avoid atomic bombs.
There was also a small pox shot given at school that left a big crater. It makes sense to give the kids vaccination at schools because that is where they all should be, but what about the adults?
At work they used to have blood drives that I participated in until the ‘nurse’ could find the vein.
They also offered flu shots (that was charged to co-pay). The only time I got the flu was after one of these shots. That was not a confidence builder.
Beside the point of there is no cure in the foreseeable future, spring is here and you got nowhere to go but relax and enjoy the season. There is pollen all over your car that needs washing (the kids can help with that), that green stuff popping up from the ground needs a trim job, time is a wasting on cleaning out that closet, instead of baking another batch of cookies the shoes could be polished and arranged in order or just sit still in the sunshine and listen to the birds and feel the breeze and take a nap.
Now that you are becoming an aficionado of cooking Mac & Cheese and well on your way to Alcoholic Anonymous, there is no end in sight, so it is up to you to become creative with your time. This is FREE TIME to do what you’ve always wanted. Don’t waste it.
Think you are crawling the walls? What about these guys? They couldn’t get out to walk the dog.
Besides being home bond isn’t so bad when you are so drunk you can’t find the door.

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