Sunday, April 26, 2020

Week ???? – Who is counting?

So let’s see how we are adjusting to staying away from each other? Liquor manufactures are delivering to your door. Those little cute comments are becoming annoying. Going out and sitting alone in the auto at night is a vacation. Working at home is a joke. Home schooling is a bigger joke. This is a fantasy venture with no end in sight.
The post office (while still open) will keep bringing the bills that can’t be paid. The constant diet of mac & cheese is bloating everyone up so they puff when walking the dog for exercise. Reruns on Netflix just mean you can open the liquor sooner.
If the unemployment and stimulus checks run dry? When the lights go out and the phone quits will you wander outside amongst the other wild creatures?
While all that sounds like gloom and doom, you can watch Jimmy Jones bid of people on his yacht. News reports of millions of face mask and gloves and shields are being bought and shipped around every state, but no one is saying who is paying for it.
Confusion reigns and everyone is ready to break out, as the temperature is getting warmer. Kids who didn’t get a prom or a graduation ceremony must decide sign up for college that may not open, apply to McDonald’s at the drive-thru, or join the navy? Those among use who are still under the obligation of mortgages, childcare, elderly parents, credit card debt, and homeowners association fees are so glad they listened to their parents and stuffed away a tidy nest egg to survive any pandemic.
For the rest of us it is putting on the same worn clothing of yesterday, wiping off your cup instead of washing, make some Irish coffee to start the day, turn on the electronics to see if the world has ended or not then listen to all the complaining.
Reports of food lines give hope, but no one volunteers. Reports of storms and tornado destruction, fires and the occasional shooting just add to the misery.
There has to be more to a day than planning ingredients for a meal, the wash and repeat until you physically cannot function any longer. Sounds like a college dorm room to me. Maybe it is time to refresh “Animal House”?
How many days have I been saying, “Tomorrow I will run the vacuum and hook up the back-up drive and change that light bulb upstairs”? These days when the pressures to please someone else like going to work or making that doctors’ appointment or getting the car inspected or picking up the kids on time, we just become slugs.
Listening to a show talking about this is the time when we have the time to do the things we always complained we didn’t have the time.
Today is still a bit chilly with last nights rain but when the sun comes out behind the clouds the whole yard perks up. It is springtime. It also could be the last day?
I walk outside into the middle of the forest and stand-alone. Listening. Time has no meaning. The sun is warm on my face. The creatures of this land are doing what they do around me, allowing me to participate.
Hopefully as the weather warms up this time will only get better. It may be age or wisdom but the simple pleasures of life as we have it has so been forgotten and unappreciated.
So if it is Monday or Wednesday or next week, the sun comes up and new day welcomes you to enjoy life. What you decide to do with the time is up to you.
Stay safe.

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