Thursday, April 23, 2020


Everyday there are post on the Internet of studies done. These are researching different qualifications and inspections done by (supposedly) qualified personnel to define problems and offer possible solutions.
Read the headlines and one can assume the facts are conclusive to the results of the study…until.
Do you remember when you studied for an exam? Maybe you had taken footnotes and cross-correlated information being spouted from the professor or teacher. Maybe you read all the text in the required reading only to fine that 90% of it was fluff for textbooks are written by teachers who are wanting verification and tenure and are obsolete before the ink dries.
Maybe you cram the night before trying to catch up on all that time you wasted down at the local pub talking about sport teams or some fine looking lady? No amount of coffee or meds will pour semesters worth of stuff into your head for the next day.
Back to the stuff that is flowing off the wire as “news” based on a study from some organization or publication, what is relevant and what is propaganda?
Like so many interviews with ‘experts’ who give their views on a question with the credentials of associate or assistant or adjunct professor. Everyone has an opinion and a point-of-view with whatever data they can back it up with, but is it complete?
These studies can be hundreds of pages or volumes with many references to other studies and opinion pieces and references to historical writings and quotations from great writers, theologians, philosophers and world leaders.
Appreciate all those book nerds that will read and re-read text and highlight and copy and paste to make a point.
Just like the scientists who are now in spotless clean labs filling Petri dishes and test tubes mixing colored liquids to see if A+B=C will B+D-Q=?
No matter how smart you think you are, your bias is based on your facts, as you perceive them.

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