Sunday, October 25, 2020

78 Days


Today is dreary and wet. Piddle around the house but it is too dark to get motivated. Wash some dishes and turn on the spin cycle to the dryer while getting high on the Clorox fumes in the bathroom.

Put on some dance music to avoid the increasing constant flow of death and dying. Now the talk is maybe…maybe a vaccine might be ready the middle of next year…or later. Already the paper towels are flying off the shelves as in preparation for the long dark winter.

Maybe this will end at this time next year and we can go back to normal? Maybe it won’t and will go into another year after another year for this is a global pandemic and it will be a long time to give everyone in the world a dose. Maybe we will forget what normal was?

We may all die before this shutdown is over so get your affairs in order.

If fires and hurricanes and overbooked hospitals and closed restaurants aren’t bad enough, now we have the ‘murder hornet’.

Here is something else to think about…

What happens between November 3, 2020 and January 20, 2021?

There are 78 days between when the final ballots are voted to the oath of office at the presidential inauguration.

Normally this is the time the former president packs up and moves out of the white house, but these are not normal times.

On November 3rd the final votes are cast but it will take some time to tally all the numbers to verify the outcome. In the meantime, the current President is still ‘The President’.

The president has another two months to finish up the legacy of the tenure of office. The president has 78 days to make right for the last four years or put a period on promises made.

Anything could happen.

Thanksgiving and Christmas fall in this time period but this White House has never seemed very thankful or fond of holidays. When you are President, everyday is a holiday. Will Santa bring Barron a puppy?

The season for family gatherings won’t be this year due to the (and I quote) “The Plague”, but all of the President’s family are living with him and working for him. Every meal has all the family at the table dining on taxpayers’ money.

Even with the astounding incomparable numbers, this President seemed to get infected and bounce back over a weekend? He seems to be in that ‘high risk’ over 70 elderly; slightly rotund physique, a questionable diet and I don’t believe riding in a golf cart is exercise group. A bunch of white guys in white mask and white lab coats give the report that the leader of the free world is doing fine and will be released soon, after having oxygen and a cocktail of two experimental therapies, the antiviral drug Remdesivir and Regeneron’s anti-SARs-CoV-2 monoclonal antibodies, in combination with vitamin D, Famotidine (pepcid), Zinc, and Melatonin with a dash of Dexamethasone, a steroid, thrown for good measure. Do they serve that at your hospital?

Who were those guys? Anyone can wear a white lab coat? They must be good because soon enough the President was walking up steps at the White House for a prepared photo-op looking fit as a fiddle with nary a cough or a whimper.

Not having rallies to attend or updates from the Task Force on the Warp Speed solution coming around the corner any minute, what is a president to do? Congress is on recess and the Supreme Court is full. Golf is always an option.

Still this president likes excitement. Maybe he can stir up some of the faithful so he can have that parade of tanks in the streets? Maybe he can push the red button to see if it really works? That would be a firework to start the New Year.

What if the President-elect is too sick to take the oath of office on the 20th? Does the Vice President-elect take the oath and the reins? Does the former President just stay in office until…?

This president has already been building a case for voter fraud so a recount is not beyond imagination. All sorts of weird scenarios and legal suites could be presented to the confused awaiting constituents. What if all the early drop box or mail-in voting equals all the voters before November 3rd? Are they bonus votes?

There are all sorts of contingent plans or we could just flip a coin. Maybe we could just start all over again?

Every day has been a new revelation of the bizarre and unbelievable so what is another 78 days? We’ve got nothing else to do but watch in amazement of what the future might hold.

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