Wednesday, October 14, 2020




1. a view or opinion that is incorrect because based on faulty thinking or understanding.

2. a wrong or inaccurate idea or conception a common/popular misconception

3. a delusion,  error,  fallacy,  falsehood,  falsity,  hallucination,  illusion,  misbelieve,  myth,  old wives’ tale,  untruth


We read, hear, and watch lots of different sources with lots of different statements, opinions, analyst, history, recipes, etc. Everyone from family to friends to teachers to preachers to politicians to scientist to reporters to social media has something to say.


How we decipher what is worth remembering and what is worth forgetting is up to us. If it is an ole family tale told by your grandfather, it may be true or just a hand-me-down fantasy. Some stories that seem logical and will create bias in our beliefs could just be a myth. A myth worth believing sculptures your personality.


Wonderful discussions can be had when two misconceptions do not align. Hours of fact checking, reference verifications and multiple sources may not find a conclusion to satisfy all.


In these days of blatant falsehoods and crackpot beliefs cannot be fact checked fast enough before the next tide of wise cracks and tall tales.


Good luck with political advertising.

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