Monday, November 23, 2020

How Are You Wasting Your Time?


It has been quite a year. Schedules and routines have all turned topsy-turvy and deadlines and punctuality demands have changed.

Time spent getting ready for work, getting the kids to school, commuting to the office, attending meetings, taking lunch breaks, getting home in time to make dinner, meeting the team or gang at the local watering hole before watching the nightly news and sleeping for eight hours.

Now working at home, all that time is FREE time.

Give the kids a bowl of cereal and log them on in headphones. No need to change your pajamas until you have a Zoom meeting. Make your coffee a bit stronger than you would have been able to in your cubicle and open your computer.

If you are selling, try to stay connected or the sales and revenue will be dropped. If you are buying, check your spreadsheet twice to make sure the formula numbers are correct. If you are coding, pay attention or crash the project and get a pink slip email.

The constant annoyance of the email flow is a distraction and if you have to hunt and peck to find the right key, you will be pushed further down in the response files and lost forever. Before you can reply and second and then third email will arrive asking where are you?

Don’t forget to open the social media windows to keep up to date with the nonsense that everyone is talking about. It is like working at the water cooler.

If you have to take a break or go to the loo, don’t forget to leave a note or otherwise you boss will want you to turn on your camera to monitor your actions.

Speaking of which, you should make a cozy spot in a corner with nice paintings and decorations on the wall to give a positive atmosphere of your lifestyle. The cat climbing the blinds, your dog dry heaving, the pile of dirty laundry on the floor and your kids running in wild abandon will never get you that raise.

If you discuss the movie you are streaming with another, use your private email instead of the companies. You can be observed as a slacker and disconnected.

There are no complaints about taking work home, because you are already there. No 9 to 5 anymore.

When your computer crashes or you have to take a break to walk the dog, you can catch up with your friend’s tweets. Nothing better than a 2” Tik Tok movie of you’re niece singing while you stumble down the street.

Wasting time is all the excitement you ever wanted.

Don’t forget to wear your mask.

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