Tuesday, November 24, 2020



I recently gave away this book. It has been growing dust on the shelf for years. It was purchased after my wife’s first heart attack.

It was a good reference book written in plan English with pictures. Like the Encyclopedia or Dictionary, it was a medical reference for solutions to aches and pains.

Like today’s Google Doctor or any other medical information you seek, there is no cure by reading the pages. You got to go to some professional in a white lab coat to get a shot.

I glanced through it when purchased and found the pictures disturbing and gross. I thought only folks in third world countries got stuff like this.

So while cleaning out some other stuff that was growing mold, I came across this printed doctor and perused the pages again.

Having been to the hospital this year, I checked the diagnosis I got against 10-year old edition. It was about the same, so I looked online and nothing had changed.

My medical theory has always been if it is bleeding, put a band-aid on it.

The reason for not keeping this informative book was age. At my age, there are few variations to what might be ailing now and fewer solutions.

Like scrolling through Netflix trying to find something to entertain you, the aged geezers could search for hours and hours trying to find the fountain of youth.

The other side of not keeping this valuable reference is finding what is wrong with me. Just like listening to Doctor Phil or any medical show, you start to feel like you too have what they are talking about. That pain in your foot might be gangrene rather than when you bumped into the door. Numbness? Bad back? Weird marks or bumps?

Keep reading and you will find something to match your self-diagnosis.

These are intended to be self-help books, but as soon as the ink dries they are out-of-date. Like so many other FIY programs, it looks easy until you try it. How do you take out your kidney?

The next person is more than welcome to play doctor when listening to their friend’s ailments.

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