Saturday, April 21, 2018

Your Best Friends Spouse

You got a good friend, maybe a life long friend, maybe a BFF kinda friend. That is a good thing and you two can have times together that will be memorized in memory.
You have other friends and your friend has other friends and maybe some of them are friends with each other. Friends will group together for ball games, concerts, dances or late night gatherings.
Then that friend finds a ‘significant other’.
One of the ‘friends’ becomes more than a friend.
Now the association between you two becomes three and you have to make acquaintance with this trio.
So the question is “how do you get along with your friend’s spouse?”
You know stuff about your friend that maybe the spouse doesn’t know and vice versa. How can you make the chemistry work with this new ingredient?
Some depart to raise a family and move away to be with in-laws. Some create friction with jealousy or become too close with amorous results. Some get along with the new addition and some just fade away.
And how does your spouse get along with ‘your’ friends?

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