Monday, March 26, 2018

Going Thro The Motions

We all go through life repeating what is necessary to do to get from sunrise to sunset, but like a life factory line, we are just going through the motions. We wake up at the same time, choose our selection of clothing for the day, get our coffee at the same Starbucks, slowly grind through our assignments and meetings taking breaks at the usual times to discuss the new member to the team while watching the clock to see when the bell rings to release from one boring process to another.
As dull as that sounds, our routine is customary with our neighbors and is safe and comfortable in desire to conform. If you conform you are much more likely to be popular.
If life sounds that mundane, think about standing in line.
We are trained in school to stand in line, either in alphabetical order or by height. Later we will be sorted by popularity.
During the workweek we wait for the alarm clock to get us off the starting line and then go through the motions repeating our desired expectations until there is a place to move up the organization chart and learn the new routine to follow.
The weekends are suppose to break the monotony of everyday life but it brings its own set of unchallenged task to be followed until the weekday brings us back to schedules set by someone else when the chatter around the water cooler is the most creative conversation to be had.
Face it; we are wasting our lives going through the motions.
There are lots of motivational speakers and inspirational books to try and fulfill the need to do something more important but it is easier to turn on the television and be entertained with lite and sound without thinking about it.
Unfortunately our relationships with others follow the same pattern. We may have a moment in time with another and reference that occurrence forever. As time passes we may eat the same food, live in the same house, sleep in the same bed but are just going through the motions. We forgot what brought us together or just want to be complacent to not cause upheaval. 

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