Saturday, December 7, 2019

There must be something in the air?

As I travel my normal route, people are smiling at me. They wave and say, “Hello”.
What is going on?
Sure I go this way everyday and some of them have probably seen me before but they are still strangers.
As I was locking up some woman came up to me and started a conversation telling me her life story. Even the bell ringer struck up a talk and smile.
Did I wear my hair a different way? Did I put on some smelly stuff that caught everyone’s attention?
Checking out everyone seemed in a good mood and very friendly.
What was going on?
Then I remembered it is December.
I’m walking around in a red sweatshirt with long white hair and a fluffy white beard and a big fat belly and act rather jolly.
So beware. I’m keeping an eye on you.

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