Saturday, December 7, 2019


It is an interesting subject that none of us want to talk about. Go out with a couple of friends and we all struggle to figure out the 15% of the total bill to divide as a tip.
I personally am not a good tipper. I also do not attend many dining establishments anymore.
My ole school thinking is “I could go to the kitchen and bring the plate back, just like at home”. Mom never got a tip. My teacher never got a tip. The policeman didn’t get a tip. The bank robber got a tip and got arrested. Don’t think getting your spouse a vacuum cleaner is giving a tip.
Listen to this:
On behave of my inattention to filling the cup by the poor guitarist playing in the snow on the sidewalk, when the service is extraordinary (above average – like the server can remember who ordered what ten minutes ago on a slow night). If I pay with a credit card (especially after a few drinks) I just add a couple of 0’s to the total as a tip. I prefer to pay a tip in cash to hand it to the person making sure the establishment is not trimming off the profit.
Nothing better than a dollar bill in the garter.

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