Saturday, December 21, 2019

What’s In A Name?

When you come into this world, after the doctor beats you to get you crying, you are assigned a ‘blue’ or ‘pink’ blanket designated by your plumbing.
Next your father and mother are required to give you a ‘name’ to put on the birth certificate.
That word can be from family history or some current cultural popularity or some weird reference, but it is your given name.
As a kid, you are identified by your name. You do not have enough life experience to be referenced yet.
If you have a former name, it could be shorten to a single syllable.
Your first name identifies you and your last name gives your family ties, but what about a middle name?
There is a name for everything we see, touch, eat, do but the personal name follows like a face tattoo.
You will wear it to the grave.
Of course you can ‘legally’ change your name to re-identify yourself, then you have to transition into this new name.
If not you can get a ‘nickname’ like ‘Scooter’ or ‘Skid Mark’ and go through life being called.
I’m not good with names. A reason I never went into sales or politics. I can recognize a face but totally forget a name associated with it. To remember people I’d have to give them ‘pet names’ to remember.
Now name that tune?

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